Today, as I was searching YouTube for Family Guy clips, I came across this guy. He has about a million posts about how Family Guy should be banned. Now the interesting thing to me is that he is obviously a major flamer. I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with flaming, but the fact is that gays are on the fringe of the societal norms of morality. I also did a little research and turns out this guy is also a porn star. Anyway, I'm not sure if his YouTube video blogs are some sort of well masked joke or if he is serious. Just thought that was weird. It's interesting to me how some people view morality. It's like they take parts of it to heart and think the rest is up for debate. I mean really, does a gay porn star really have any place telling me that Family Guy should be banned? After all Family Guy is just a cartoon, it's not like any of the actions by a fictional character can be considered an actual act of immorality. And he's really gay. Guess it just depends on whether you consider being gay immoral. When I put that question to myself I don't even know the answer. I know gay people that I consider my friends, but do I think they should be ostracize from the rest of us because of their lifestyle? Hard to say. I guess I still like them just not what they do.
With the elections approaching everybody is talking about who they are voting for. Well not really anybody I know, but I like to talk about it. I think Ron Paul is a pretty solid guy. I've read a bunch of stuff from his site and I like what he has to say. I can't remember the last time a Libertarian ran for president and actually got some attention. Could have been last election but I wasn't paying attention then. I think this country could use a change. Being in the military, I feel like I have been exposed to how the government actually works more than the average civilian has had an opportunity to. I don't like what I see. If you had any clue as to the level of fiscal waste that goes on, you might pay more attention to who you vote for. Americans should take their rights more seriously before they lose them. Case in point: I have a buddy whose mother-in-law receives Social Security (here by referred to as the "SS"). Unfortunately, her husband died several years ago. After his death she went to the SS office and asked if she would be receiving any more money from them due to his death. Somehow, the SS person thought that her husband was still alive, so she told my buddy's mother-in-law that she was not entitled to any of his benefits. Now, obviously there was a miscommunication there, but I'll just ignore the fact that the SS worker was a dumb ass. Anyways, his mother-in-law recently returned to the SS office and happened to bring the subject up again. The worker understood this time that her husband was dead and informed her that she was entitled to his full benefits. For seven years she did not receive what was rightfully hers. Naturally she asked if she would be getting back pay for all the years that she was not paid her entitlement. Guess what? And this is a shocker, they said no. What the f David Blaine?!? I thought we all pay into SS in hopes that our dysfunctional government will care for us in our old age. My point is, if you or I decided that we would stop paying SS from our pay checks the IRS would make sure that we paid every penny back, not just up until the point that they realized that we weren't pay. So why is it ok for the government to have one set of standards for themselves and another for us? If you know the answer I would really be interested in hearing it. Not acceptable.
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